AI – you ain’t seen nothing yet

AI is here and isn't going anywhere. Period. So, how do you use it concretely within B2B? Colleague and Creative Lead Dave explains.

AI entered our lives, and it immediately sparked a lot of discussion. “Will this stifle our creativity?” and “Won’t this take away our jobs?”  

The verdict has been sent down. No, AI is not guilty of job-stealing or creativity-smothering. On the contrary. So, what comes next after all the buzz?

AI, never a gimmick – always authentic

We often see it with our clients: the enthusiasm to do something with AI without a clear plan. But that’s not how it works. It’s important to use AI only when it’s appropriate.

So, never say: “We have to use AI.” Only use AI if it adds value to the creativity and quality of your work.

The output of our AI-based projects doesn’t have to be obviously AI-created. In presentations, we see positive reactions to our showcases, but it sometimes creates the expectation that clients can use AI themselves. Our goal, however, is to implement AI authentically into their processes.

Authenticity might be the biggest shortcoming of generative AI. It’s a challenge we are eager to tackle. Providing authenticity in the creations for our B2B clients is more important than ever. In this article, colleague Jilke explains more about ‘How Generative AI is Changing the B2B World Forever.’

So, never say: “We have to use AI.” Only use AI if it adds value to the creativity and quality of your work.

AI in the Creative Process

True to our motto “Inspire Daring,” we at BBC like to push our boundaries, especially when it involves new technologies. We keep a close eye on them. With internal initiatives like the Curiosity Collective, we also have the space to experiment with and get to know these technologies better.

Should we embrace generative AI? 100% yes. But it is never our ‘main-tool”. AI helps us visualise ideas, and take our 3D designs to the next level.

A creative agency like BBC is constantly looking for ways to integrate AI throughout the entire process: from concept development to creation and production.  

We primarily use AI in the concept phase. The aim is to use AI to improve the entire process in a way that fits our client’s needs and preserves the authenticity of their brand.

As mentioned earlier, AI has its limitations. Therefore, it is important to set some benchmarks: Quality – Authenticity – Feasibility. These benchmarks apply to all our creative work and help determine whether or not we use AI.

We use these 3 benchmarks during every phase of the creative process:

  • Concept: brainstorms, scripts, ideation, boards …
  • Creation: 3D creation, video editing, retouching, animations …
  • Production: asset creation, translations, upscaling & enhancement

A good and a less good example of AI in our creative process?

For Volvo Trucks, we created a major campaign to mark the 30th anniversary of their Volvo FH model: the Volvo FH Roadmance. We used various AI tools throughout the process.

AI in concept

For the campaign, we followed a trucker through the different phases and moments of his career. To present this to the client, a few moods were created in DALL·E 2. In this AI tool, you enter a description of the image you have in mind in your own language. The clearer and more specific your description (or ‘prompt‘), the better the result.

Concept sketches created in DALL·E 2. 

AI in creation

After the concept was approved, the campaign images were designed. The trucker and the locations were shot separately and assembled using Stable Diffusion.

And there’s more. With this tool, we were also able to digitally age our model (although a make-up artist did some of the work) and even give him a different outfit. How did we do this? This also involved a lot of ‘prompting’.

One of the campaign images generated using Stable Diffusion.

AI in production

For the rollout of the campaign, animated images were chosen to attract viewers’ attention on social media. The AI tool Dreammachine from Luma AI was used for this. You can only enter a few keywords here, so you need to know how to make the right selection.

This is how it went well:

This is how it went a little less well:

With each campaign, we learn and the tools evolve too. The message is to keep experimenting!

Always a step ahead with the right AI tool

As a creative agency, we are at the forefront of innovative AI use. By exploring which tool works best at each phase, being selective with tools, and giving our creatives the space to delve into specific and, most importantly, relevant AI, we pursue our own creative ambitions and build in-depth expertise.

AI has already significantly enhanced the quality of our work, but even more importantly, it allows us to continually reinvent ourselves within our own processes and workflows.

A year on from peak ‘AI buzz,’ this approach ensures that we understand and keep up with every relevant AI development (without getting lost in the chaos and proliferation of AI gimmicks), and deploy it correctly at every stage of our creative process.

Are you curious about how we can apply these 3 benchmarks to one of your projects? With or without AI? Let us know, we’d be happy to help!

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