Research about the technological revolution: Artificial Intelligence (AI). How can clients stand out in the age of AI? How does this affect us as an agency? What possibilities does this new technology offer? We didn’t want to alarm ChatGPT, so we looked for a clear answer ourselves.

Lack of personality
First the good news: creatives don’t have to fear losing their jobs yet. Creativity and personality are still unique and essential characteristics that AI can’t replace. That’s also what copywriter Britt discovered. ChatGPT can create content, but it takes a lot of time to give the right instructions and to provide a personal touch to the content. In the end it takes so much time, that you’re better off writing it yourself. At least then you still get to enjoy the pleasure of writing and brainstorming with your colleagues.
ChatGPT is a useful assistant that can help you when you’re stuck
Britt De Vocht
Creative strategist Nick bumped into the creative limits of AI as well. He tried to teach ChatGPT some techniques to write creative headlines. The result? A lot of ‘unleashing’ and ‘empowering’, but little convincing.
With AI, we have created our own sparring partner. But we have to work further on the input it gives us. The way we do that will be a determining factor in our job.
Nick Panhuysen
The importance of storytelling
And still, in these volatile AI times, companies yearn for personality and creativity. That’s what sets them apart in the abundance of content that competitors can produce with AI.
So how can you stand out? Creative strategist Jilke looked for an answer. Everything starts with a clear positioning: know what you stand for and who you do it for. Then you can build on a brand purpose with an overarching story that connects all content. And surprise with unique ideas and strong memorable content, made by creative content creators.
We have to look for opportunities with AI, how we can strengthen each other. And remember that we still make a difference for our clients.
Jilke Ramon

Stimulating creativity
We’re still relevant. Point made. But together with AI we can become even more relevant, even more efficient, even more innovating. Extensive research is just one push of a button away. Long articles are (re)written in just a matter of seconds. And a writer’s block is immediately unlocked by a never ending inspirational source.
Not only textual, but also graphical AI has started a promising evolution. 3D Generalist Christophe investigated a few applications that are emerging from the game world into other industries. Creating your own digital twin? Just a simple recording with your smartphone. That’s all AI needs to create the most human animation possible. In only a couple of minutes, while designers used to work on that for hours, days or months.
As a 3D Generalist you have to be on top of the newest technology. Every week, something new emerges. More and more efficient every time.
Christophe Claessens
And what if we release AI on the visual identity of different brands? A question that creative designer Laurens worked on. He asked ChatGPT about brand collaborations that have not yet taken place. Then he asked the design tool Midjourney to translate this collaboration into a commercial image. Curious about the result? Well, soon we will all be walking around with Adidas sneakers branded like Buzz Lightyear.
We don’t have to be afraid that AI knows more than we do, or that it is better than us. Just listen to it from time to time. And benefit from it.
Laurens Geerts
AI: an extra colleague
So how do we deal with AI as a creative agency? Not passively, overprotecting or apathetic. But inspiring, exploring and enforcing. An extra colleague who guides us towards creative content that moves, inspires and motivates. But the journey itself, that’s still ours to complete.
Curiosity Collective
“To be a truly creative company, you must start things that might fail.” Edgar Catmull, manager at Pixar already knew it: creativity requires curiosity and daring. In the ‘Curiosity Collective’ a selection of experts come together. To investigate current tendencies, to inspire each other, to make time for creative innovation.