
Thoughts, discoveries and lessons from the world of B2B marketing, brought to you by the people that live it every day. Learn something new today, get curious.

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(Re) Discovering the power of audio at CopyCon 2024

Sound has strong emotional associations. Opening their CopyCon talk with a dentist’s drill, birdsong, and the iPhone alarm, two copywriters from an audio branding agency illustrated just how different an emotional reaction certain sounds can yield. Sound produces emotion, they told us, which in turn has the power to evoke memory. But how might we, as copywriters and marketers, use this power to our advantage?

If only everyone had a bit of Kimou Meyer in them

Greetings, my name is Hanne, and this is my first Club Curiosity blog post. Which is quite embarrassing, considering I’ve been a copywriter at the BBC for two years now, and still haven’t copywritten my own article. Here we go.

5 BBC formulas to unbore your presentations

Whether from agencies, consultants or colleagues, too many presentations are just too boring. What do we learn from the most successful pitch formulas in BBC history?

Play it safe, bet big: a new marketing paradigm

The best books about marketing aren’t about marketing. In Antifragile, Black Swan author Nassim Taleb unwittingly explains how marketers can thrive in a volatile world.

AI – you ain’t seen nothing yet

AI is here and isn't going anywhere. Period. So, how do you use it concretely within B2B? Colleague and Creative Lead Dave explains.
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